Northern Country Music Assn of South Australia

2006 Talent Quest Results
and pictures

Click the link for a picture/website

Junior 10 Years and Under
1. Emma Lee Blanck
2. Ashley Lee Blanck
3. Claire Sherrah
4. Taylor Pfeiffer

Junior 11-12 Years
1. Nathaniel 0'Brien
2. Brittany Pfeiffer

Junior 13-15 Years
1. Candy Latham
2. Ebony Pfeiffer
3. Emily Zanker

Junior Gospel
1. Candy Latham
2. Nathaniel 0'Brian
3. Claire Sherrah

Senior Gospel
1. Kristal Collins
2. Tiffney Stroh
3. Tracy Rains

Traditional Country
1. Tiffney Stroh
2. Kristal Collins
3. Jessica Reid

Instrumental Jock Birrell Award
1. Stephanie Alexander
2. Tiffney Stroh
3. Leanne Masters

1. Kristal Collins & Candy Latham
2. Tracey Rains & Karen O'Brien
3. Tiffney Stroh & Amy Fantis

Country Rock
1. Tiffney Stroh
2. Raels Georg
3. Tracey Rains

Female Vocal
1. Tiffney Stroh
2. Kristal Collins
3. Linda Reschke

Male Vocal
1. Danny O'Brien
2. Garry Mannion
3. Niffy Robinson

Junior Encouragement Award
Taylor Pfeiffer

Senior Encouragement Award
Linda Smith

Festival Overall Points Award
Tiffney Stroh

Mandy Giles won the Telstra Road to Tamworth Heat

All pictures by I Fisk(just a few of the many taken!)
Updated May 11, 2007 6:27

? Hits from May 22 2006 to May 7 2007
Hits from May 10 2007
